Prayer & Fasting: PRAY FOR OUR NATION

Hey Everyone!

It is Tuesday, so it's time to pray and fast in preparation for the upcoming election. Pray for the prosperity of our nation during this election cycle. Pray that citizens of our country will reject the divisive nature of politics that has become so prevalent. Pray that the candidates who win the national elections will pass resolutions that serve the citizens of our country and bless the world around us. Pray for God to give you a vision of how you can live in a way that seeks our nation’s welfare.

I'd encourage you to read Jeremiah 29:4-7 today. Consider the significance of God’s command to the nation of Israel to pray for the prosperity of the people who forced them into exile. The Babylonians were an idolatrous nation who rejected the God of the universe. However, God still called His people to pray for and work towards their prosperity. In the first few chapters of Daniel, we see many examples of how Daniel was faithful to this command. He learned to love the people of Babylon. He sacrificially served them with integrity without compromising his morality. God used this to give him influence in the lives of those around him.

How might this story be an example for us today? We live in a culture that is increasingly in rebellion against the God of the universe. Do we pray and work toward the prosperity of our nation? Do we trust that even if our influence seems insignificant to the culture around us, we worship the “Lord of Heaven’s Armies,” and He will have the final word? My prayer is that we will learn some valuable lessons from the example of Daniel and become people who pray for and work toward the prosperity of our nation with integrity and without compromising our morality. My prayer is that God will give His church an influence in the lives of our neighbors for His glory and for their good.

Ryan Miller

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