The Rumors Begin

Today Pastor Matt talked about the morning of Jesus' resurrection, the first followers to see Him alive, and the emotional turmoil that everyone involved experienced.

So what can we do when life spins out of control and causes us to feel afraid? Give it to God! We finished the service by individually praying The Prayer of Relinquishment. Pray along with the slides below and give the outcome to God! 


Matt - April 16th, 2023 at 1:26pm

Thanks for framing this April. The scriptures teach us that perfect love casts out all fear. May you experience his perfect love as you pray your prayer of relinquishment to the perfect lover, Jesus.

Debbie Miller - April 18th, 2023 at 6:03am

The prayer of relinquishment is something I very much need. I’ve been praying it during my days as I try to formulate plans of my own to fix things!!