The prompt for this week is to pray for our community. Pray that this election cycle will be a catalyst for neighbor love in our community. Pray that the candidates who win local elections will pass resolutions that serve our community. Pray that election day will go smoothly and that the volunteers executing the election will be safe and feel valued. Pray for God to give you a vision of how you can specifically serve our community.

I'd encourage you to read Luke 10:25-37 today. Think about the parable of the Good Samaritan in light of the current political climate. What might it look like for us to take seriously Christ’s command to love our neighbor as ourselves? How have we become like the priest or the Levite who refuses to have compassion on those in need?

Jesus likely told this parable because the Jews hated Samaritans. It would have been very challenging for Jews to see any good or value in anything a Samaritan might do. Many Christians do the same thing with those on the opposite political spectrum. What might it look like to look for the good in those we disagree with? How might our community benefit from a church that chooses not to demonize individuals whom they disagree with politically?


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