The prompt for this week is to pray for unity in the American Church. Pray that followers of Jesus throughout our nation will prioritize unity with one another over and above their desired outcome for this upcoming election. Pray that we will become ONE as Christ and the Father are ONE. Pray that our counter-cultural unity during this election cycle will serve as a witness of Jesus Christ to the watching world.

I'd encourage you to read John 17 today. Think about the significance of this being the final prayer of Christ that we have recorded in the Scriptures. What would it look like for you to echo this prayer of Christ and seek to live out its implications regularly?

As a pastor, I am constantly reminded of this passage of Scripture. Jesus seems to indicate that the effectiveness of our witness to the outside world directly corresponds to our ability to find unity with one another through Jesus. Once you have spent significant time in prayer, I’d recommend the following podcast conversation and sermon if you’d like to interact with some additional content around this topic.

Ryan Miller

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