Prayer & Fasting: PRAY FOR YOURSELF

Hey Everyone!

The prompt for this week is to pray for yourself. Over the next few months, you will likely be inundated with lots of political information. This information is intentionally aimed to divide. Political ads are strategically designed to make one side look like the hero and the other look like the enemy. Politicians want you to see them as the hero and their opponent as the enemy.

As followers of Jesus, we can approach this content from a different perspective. In 1 Peter 2, followers of Jesus are called “temporary residents” on Earth. What happens in the upcoming election matters, but it isn’t ultimate. Therefore, rather than getting consumed with the details of the election and becoming overwhelmed with fear or anger, we can seek to make peace with our neighbors on either end of the political spectrum so that even if they disagree with your opinion, they “may see your honorable behavior and give honor to God.”

I’d encourage you to read 1 Peter 2:13-17 sometime today. Pray that God will give you the wisdom and strength to view yourself as a “temporary resident” on Earth. Pray that the Holy Spirit will help you to invest your time, energy, and passionate opinions into God’s Kingdom first. Remember that Jesus Christ died, was buried, rose, and ascended into Heaven, where He is currently ruling and reigning and will return as the rightful ruler of all of His creation.

Breathe in the Grace of God over your life today and interact with others out of the overflow of God’s grace.


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