It's not the building:
We meet on Sundays at 10 AM
at 2333 Roosevelt Boulevard, Winchester, VA
There's more parking than it seems!
The parking spaces around the building can fill up quickly, but never fear! Thanks to our kind neighbors, there are three lots nearby that you may use on Sunday morning. There's also street parking if you'd prefer it. We have several handicap spaces near the main entrance (marked by a red spot on the map).

Our Mission & Vision:
Inviting real people with real lives into a Christ-Centered community.
Cultivating God's Kingdom on Earth by proclaiming Jesus clearly and obeying Jesus boldly.
Our Core Practices, or Values:
We unite for the sake of the Gospel.
We rely on the Living and Written Word of God.
We prioritize real relationships.
We cultivate our Spiritual Gifts to serve others.

Each week our hospitality volunteers make sure there's plenty of coffee (and tea!) and a variety of snacks available. These are all free and you're welcome to take what you choose into the Worship Center.

Nope! Some people like to dress up for church. Some people like to dress casually. Some people like to wear Hawaiian shirts with pictures of other church members on it. As long as you're wearing something, you are welcome here!

At the end of some services, we share in the Lord's Supper. Sometimes we use real bread and other times we use prepackaged sets. The small "lunchable" style cup and bread are always available for those with health concerns. What's communion? CLICK HERE
Something for the whole family:
INFANTS & CHILDREN - If it's your first visit, walk to the welcome desk where someone will help you fill out a short form. Each child will get a sticker that has a matching code to the parent sticker. Only the person with that sticker will be able to pick up your child after the service. We will also use that code to let you know if your child needs you during the service. When it's time to pick your child up, LOOK HERE for a map of the classrooms.
MIDDLE & HIGH SCHOOL - Students in grades 6-12 are always welcome to stay in the main service, but there is a youth-centered lesson available. Just have your student join you for worship; when it's over they will be dismissed and can follow the group to the youth room. After service, you can find your student using this BUILDING MAP. This class ends at 11:45 AM; early pick-up is okay though.
PASSAGES CLASSES - You might better recognize this as "Adult Sunday School." Either way, these classes are held here on Sunday mornings from 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM. CLICK HERE to see the current classes.
MAIN SERVICE - Most weeks the Sunday service will follow this basic flow: Announcements, Praise & Worship, Message, Communion, Closing. The service starts at 10 AM and we aim to be finished by 11:15 AM.
MIDDLE & HIGH SCHOOL - Students in grades 6-12 are always welcome to stay in the main service, but there is a youth-centered lesson available. Just have your student join you for worship; when it's over they will be dismissed and can follow the group to the youth room. After service, you can find your student using this BUILDING MAP. This class ends at 11:45 AM; early pick-up is okay though.
PASSAGES CLASSES - You might better recognize this as "Adult Sunday School." Either way, these classes are held here on Sunday mornings from 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM. CLICK HERE to see the current classes.
MAIN SERVICE - Most weeks the Sunday service will follow this basic flow: Announcements, Praise & Worship, Message, Communion, Closing. The service starts at 10 AM and we aim to be finished by 11:15 AM.
Let's Worship Together!
Our Praise & Worship time would be classified as "contemporary." But we like to keep things interesting -- it's totally possible you'll hear something traditional now and then too!